Saturday, October 18, 2008


It is with great joy that I share that Bahati, Helena and Clinton may not be positive for HIV. Yes we are on a roller coaster and I just wanted to thank you all for not getting off of it but for riding it with us. Just when we thought that the twist and turns were over we are reminded that we never know what the future holds. Last week we took the babies back to the doctor and a different doctor informed us that we might have been miss informed. He shared that the babies with the exception of Rama may be too young to know for sure that they are positive. He said that their count is rather low and that it is his experience that many babies that test this low at this age test negative in the future. While they may currently have the antibodies it might never develop into HIV. We were all so excited that we didn’t ask many questions not knowing where to start or even what to believe. The babies are too young to know for sure, but he believes that in the next few months they can retest and it is more then possible that they will test negative. Tears welled up in my eyes. Just a few days before I had to hold back tears when I came down in the morning and Bahati was very sick (they treated him for Malaria) I immediately became overwhelmed by the thought that many of his years would be filled with pain and suffering, but now his future seemed open to many possibilities. I  will keep you all updated. Thank you for keeping these sweet babies in your prayers.  

On Sunday Hallie, Heath and I took Neema, Joshua and Yasini to church with us. It was so fun to get to pick out their little outfits and take them to church to see our friends. I don’t think anyone paid attention in church (not because they were bad but because they are so stinkin cute) After church we took them out for pizza. It was a hit! On the way back we took all three of them on the very crowded dahla dahla. Against all odds Yasini fell asleep in my lap. We went over many bumps, passed multiple cars and trucks on the wrong side of the road and too close for anyone’s liking, sat smoshed up more closely then I though humanly possible to the window, and had to listen to the driver blare the horn at every stop, but through out all the noise and chaos not only did Yasini stay fast asleep, but I could hear him snoring. Last Sunday at church the pastor spoke about finding peace. How true peace if found in trusting/believing in Christ. There is this great quote that says peace is not the absence of chaos but being in the mist of it and finding stillness. As I looked down at Yasini I realized that’s how I want to be all the time. I want to despite my surroundings, have total peace and rest in the arms of my heavenly father. Sometimes it’s a bumpy ride, sometimes it goes to fast and other times too slow, sometimes you wish that you could get off but it’s not your stop, and other times when you finally get comfortable its time to get off, but true peace is not found in our surroundings, it is found in Christ. I felt so blessed that Yasini trusted me and I can’t thank God enough for showing me His truths through this beautiful child.
John 16: 33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world"


Unknown said...

WOW - isn't it fabulous when God answers prayers in a way we didn't even dream he could? As I prayed for those babies, I never even THOUGHT that the tests could be negative in the future because the babies are too young right now. Granted this is partly because I just don't know a lot about HIV testing - but His ways are just so much higher than ours. I'm so amazed by our God, who can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.

I'm looking for that exact quote for you!

T said...

can you bring a baby home for me, please??